breakfast tarts

You will need a 4 individual tart tins.

Ingredients :

1 x Empire Pastry Butter Shortcrust Sheet, defrosted

Unsalted Butter to grease the tart tins

4 Free Range Eggs

4 Rashers Streaky Bacon

1 Green Chilli finely sliced

4 Tbsp Stracciatella

Salt and Pepper to taste

Method :

Step 1: Pre-heat oven to 180°C, grease the tart tins

Step 2: Cut rounds from the defrosted pastry, ensuring they are slightly larger than the tart tins, and place into each tin.

Step 3: Blind bake the pastry with baking beads for 12 mins until base is golden.

Step 4: Add a rasher of bacon to each tart, crack in a egg, season with salt and pepper.

Step 5: Add a few slices of the chilli and 1 Tbsp of the stracciatella to each tart.

Step 6: Bake for 10-12 mins until the egg is just set to your liking.

These also work well with our Biodynamic Wholemeal Pastry.


Spinach and cheese rolls


cheesy, egg & bacon mini puff pies